Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy
Plant name
Plants height
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Annual growth
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Trumpet Creeper 'Gabor'

Campsis radicans 'Gabor'

Trumpet Creeper 'Gabor'

Campsis radicans 'Gabor'

Decoration form flowers
Flowering month VII, VIII, IX VII, VIII, IX
Evergreen plant no
Plants height 6-10 m
Annual growth 1-4 m
Aspect sun, 3/4 sun
Frost hardiness 6A - 9 Zones 6A - 9

A variety raised in Hungary. A vigorous climber bearing attractive tube-shaped deep red flowers in July-September. Starts flowering in the second-third year after planting. Grow in a warm sunny and sheltered spot for best flowers. It attaches its long stems to supports using aerial roots, but needs some tying until well established. Suitable for training over various garden supports such as an arbor or a pergola. Particularly useful for clothing walls and strong supports. It can freeze in harsh winters but has a natural ability to regenerate.