Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy
Plant name
Plants height
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Annual growth
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Frost resistance zone
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japanese bindweed (california rose) 'Flore Pleno'

Calystegia hederacea 'Flore Pleno' ('Multiplex')

japanese bindweed (california rose) 'Flore Pleno'

Calystegia hederacea 'Flore Pleno' ('Multiplex')

Decoration form flowers
Color of flowers pink, double
Flowering month VII, VIII, IX VII, VIII, IX
Evergreen plant no
Plants height 2-3 m
Annual growth 2-3 m
Aspect sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun
Frost hardiness 6 - 9 Zones 6 - 9

A climbing perennial with very interesting flowers: double ball-like vivid pink flowers. Blossoms form July to September. Arrow-like downy leaves. In spring, old woody stems should be cut back just at the base of the plant. Best grown in a warm sunny position. Thrives best in moist well drained and rich in humus soil. Excellent for small fences, trellises and other garden supports.