Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Clematis 'Anna's Choice'PBR
Clematis 'Anna's Choice'PBR

Large-flower variety with double and semi-double flowers.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagatio..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-pink 1.8-2 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Expander' PBR
Clematis 'Expander' PBR

Exciting perennial variety with pink, wide opened flowers. Not climber.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicen..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
dark pink 1-1.5 m medium VI, VII, XVI, VII, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Grześ'
Clematis 'Grześ'

Large-flowered variety with simple maroon-violet flowers. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagation..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
maroon-violet 2-3 m medium VI, VIIVI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'H.F. Young'
Clematis 'H.F. Young'

A free-flowering cultivar. Single or semi-double, blue flowers are profusely borne from May to June. During summer, it repeats flowering, abounding with large but single flowers. Particularly useful for growing through other plants, against a dark backgro..

Raised by W. Pennell, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1962.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Joyfull Heart'
Clematis 'Joyfull Heart'

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagation prohibited

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness

Clematis 'Mystic River'PBR
Clematis 'Mystic River'PBR

Fantastic perennial variety. Abundantly and profusely flowering all summer. It has violet-blue flowers with visible darker bar in the middle of the sepals. Not climbing variety. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAI..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
fioletowe 1-1.5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Polka'
Clematis 'Polka'

Abundand flowering variety of Viticella Group. Grows strongly. It has white flowers with pink edges of the sepals. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, ..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
różowy 2-3 m medium V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Sweet Morning' PBR
Clematis 'Sweet Morning' PBR

Large-flowered variety with white, fragrant flowers (11-15 cm). WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propa..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 2-2.5 m medium V, VIV, VI S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Sweet Wave'PBR
Clematis 'Sweet Wave'PBR

Perennial variety with blue, fragrant flowers raised by Szczepan Marczyński. Novelty in 2025.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CUL..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 1-1.7 m medium V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Belle of Woking'
Clematis 'Belle of Woking'

A good variety with pale mauve, double flowers borne on previous year’s wood from late May to July. During summer single flowers are borne on new growth. Grows and flowers best in sunny positions.

Raised by George Jackman & Son, United Kingdom.Introduced in 1881.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale mauve, double, single in summer 2-3 m big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Chalcedony'
Clematis 'Chalcedony'

A charming cultivar with light blue-lilac flowers, double in May and June, and semi-double during summer blooming. Twines around the supports by means of curling petioles. Suitable for growing over arbours, pergolas and fences, or training over various ga..

Raised by Ellis Strachan, United Kingdom 1984.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light lilac blue, double 2.5-3 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR
Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR

An attractive Polish cultivar of bright blue, semi-double flowers appearing in abundance throughout summer. Recommended for cultivation in all types of domestic gardens. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, 10–12 cm across, usually semi-double, wi..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 1999. Named in 2014, on the market from summer 2016.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep blue, always double 2 m medium VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Guernsey Cream'
Clematis 'Guernsey Cream'

A very floriferous variety blooming from mid-May to July, and again at the end of August. Lightly yellow flowers with yellow stamens and a green bar at the centre, become whiter in full blossom.It doesn't like sunny areas. Looks lovely when planted agains..

Raised by R. J. Evison, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1989.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
bright yellow 2 m big V, VI, VII, VIII, IXV, VI, VII, VIII, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9


A highly attractive Japanese cultivar of double, pink flowers 10-14 cm in diameter, consisting of numerous sepals varying from elliptic to narrow – needle-shaped, bright-pink, sometimes nearly red that acquire green splashes in cold weather. Stamens and s..

Raised by F. Miyata i K. Miyazaki (Japan) in 1994.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
dark pink 1 m medium V, VIV, VI S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'
Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'

A new Polish cultivar raised in 2004. Awarded the gold medal at the Plantarium 2005 Arboricultural Trade Fair. Large (20 cm in diameter) pale blue-purple flowers are darker at the margins, while the interior of the tepal is almost white and a central tuft..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2005.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue-violet with a lighter bar 2-3 m very big VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Viola'
Clematis 'Viola'

A very free-flowering variety raised in Estonia. Deep bluish-violet velvet flowers with greenish-yellow stamens are profusely borne from the end of June to August. A stunning cultivar, especially effective when grown against a light background.

Raised by U. & A. Kivistik, Estonia.Named in 1987.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep bluish-violet 3 m medium VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'
Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'

Described by its raisers as the best double clematis yet produced. Moderately fast growing cultivar with large, fully double, deep violet-blue flowers flushed with purple and carmine in center, borne on previous year’s wood in May-June. In August single, ..

Raised by W. Pennell, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1959.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
double violet-blue, single in summer 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Ai-Nor'
Clematis 'Ai-Nor'

A Russian variety of an interesting flower colour. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, usually have 6 elliptic, pale pink sepals in a warm delicate hue with darker tips and yellow anthers on white filaments. New growth is purple-coloured. Attaches itself to the..

Raised by M.A. Beskaravainaya (USRR). Named in 1972.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale pink 2-2.5 m big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Akafuji'
Clematis 'Akafuji'

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness

Clematis 'Akaishi'
Clematis 'Akaishi'

A Japanese cultivar with attractive large bicolor flowers. Purple-crimson sepals with wavy edges and a broad vivid red bar along the center. Creamy filaments tipped with crimson anthers. In direct sunlight flowers fade and wither quickly. Only light pruni..

Introduced by Sakata no Tane Co., Japan
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-purple with a red central bar 2-3 m big V, VI, IXV, VI, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Alba Luxurians'
Clematis 'Alba Luxurians'

A charming climber, moderately strong-growing, healthy and undemanding. Intriguing white, tinted with green flowers with very deep purple anthers. Best grown in a sunny position. Suitable for growing over fences, pergolas and arbors. It can clamber over n..

Raised by R. Veitch, United Kingdom 1900.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white-green 3 m medium VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Albina Plena'
Clematis 'Albina Plena'

A very valuable Swedish cultivar, raised as a hybrid of Clematis faurieri and Clematis sibirica. Charming double flowers of the shape of an open bell, 6-8 cm across, slightly nodding. White sepals with pale yellow stamens. Main and the most profuse flower..

Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1982.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white, double 3-4 m small IV, VIV, V S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Alionushka'
Clematis 'Alionushka'

Bell-shaped, nodding, rose-pink flowers with pale yellow anthers. A beautiful herbaceous clematis with raised, non-clinging stems (as in climbing rose). When no support is provided, it scrambles over the ground. Looks lovely when intermingled with other p..

Raised by A. N. Volosenko-Valenis, Ukraine. Named in 1969.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink, bell-shaped 1-2 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Andromeda'
Clematis 'Andromeda'

A moderately fast growing cultivar with bicolor flowers: creamy pink with a vivid pink stripe at the center of the sepals. Yellow stamens. Semi-double flowers are borne from the end of May to the end of June. In September it repeats flowering, abounding w..

Raised by K. Pyne, United Kingdom.Introduced in 1994.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
creamy pink with a stripe, single or semi-double 2-3 m big V, VI, IXV, VI, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Arabella' (1994)
Clematis 'Arabella' (1994)

From June to October mid-blue flowers with conspicuous cream anthers are abundantly scattered over the whole plant. Very free flowering over a long period. A charming climber with raised, non-clinging stems (as in climbing rose). When no support is provid..

Raised by B. Fretwell, United Kingdom 1990.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 1.5-2 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Asao'
Clematis 'Asao'

A moderately fast growing Japanese cultivar with large bicolor flowers: deep pink with a white central bar and yellow anthers, from May to September. It doesn’t like extremely hot, sunny areas. Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, t..

Raised by Kazushige Ozawa, Japan 1971.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink-red 2-3 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Ashva'
Clematis 'Ashva'

A compact climber with round, 5-8 cm across, purple-violet flowers composed of 6 tepals with a red bar along the midrib that is gradually getting darker towards the base. The tepals are almost round and have charming wavy edges. The central eye consists o..

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple-violet with a red bar 1.5-2 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Aureolin'
Golden Clematis 'Aureolin'

A delightful, easily grown climber with a moderate growth rate. Large, nodding, rich yellow, lantern-like flowers are borne on long, downy stalks during summer, the later ones intermingled with decorative silky seed heads. At the end of September the plan..

Raised by Proefstation vor de Boomwekerij, Boskoop, Netherlands 1979.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
dark yellow 2-3 m small VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3-2 (rather hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3-2 (rather hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Azure Ball'PBR
Clematis 'Azure Ball'PBR

An attractive Polish cultivar of large, double and semi-double flowers with light blue-violet sepals. Flowers abundantly from May till July. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE:Flowers large, 15–17 cm across, double and semi-double, produced both on old and new shoots. T..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 1999. Named in 2013, on the market from summer 2016.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light violet-blue 2 m medium V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Ballet Skirt'
Clematis 'Ballet Skirt'

An aptly named cultivar with delicate pale pink semi-double flowers and light yellow stamens bearing a close resemblance to a ballet dancer' skirt. Blooms profusely on old wood in early spring, but some flowers continue to appear throughout the summer. In..

Raised by S. Zubrowski, Canada 1981.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale pink, semi-double 1.5-2 m small IV, V, VIIIIV, V, VIII S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Baltic Waves'PBR
Clematis 'Baltic Waves'PBR

A new, Polish cultivar raised by Szczepan Marczyński, with beautiful, large, violet-blue flowers with frilly sepals’ edges. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers v. large, 24-28 cm in diameter. They consist of 6-8 sepals, violet-blue with a slightly lighter stri..

Szczepan Marczyński
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII 1.6-1.8 m 1 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Bałtyk'
Clematis 'Bałtyk'

An early-flowering Polish cultivar with a moderate growth rate. Rounded, violet-purple flowers with crimson anthers are borne from May to June. Excellent for fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles.

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland. Introduced in 1988.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-purple 3 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Barbara'
Clematis 'Barbara'

A lovely large flowered variety from Poland. Alluring vivid purplish pink flowers with lighter spots, fading to purplish red in autumn with a deep purplish-red bar. Deep purple anthers. Free-flowering for a long period, from late May to mid July and again..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2001.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
intense pink 2-3 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Beautiful Bride' PBR
Clematis 'Beautiful Bride' PBR

It has very large white flowers (up to 28 cm in diameter!), which cover the plant from the very bottom. The sepals are pointed and slightly wavy at the edges. It blooms abundantly from May to July. The blooming is repeated in the summer, yet it is not as ..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2011.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 2-3 m very big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Beauty of Worcester'
Clematis 'Beauty of Worcester'

A lovely cultivar with a moderate growth rate. In May-June blossoms on previous year’s wood bearing double or semi double flowers. During August and September single flowers are produced on new growth. Intense blue-violet sepals with a white bar on the re..

Raised by Messrs Richard Smith & Co., United Kingdom. Introduced in 1890.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue-violet, double or single 2 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Betty Corning'
Clematis 'Betty Corning'

A charming, moderately fast growing cultivar. During June-September it covers with a mass of pale, lilac-rose, nodding flowers. Spreading tepals, edged in darker blue-purple. A healthy climber, it has low soil requirements. Free-flowering and sweetly scen..

Selected by Betty Corning, United States
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
lilac-rose, nodding, slightly fragrant 3-4 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Bieszczady' EARTHQUAKE
Clematis 'Bieszczady' EARTHQUAKE

Pink flowers 14-20 cm in diameter are composed of 6-8 petals with an almost white central bar. Claret anthers on pink filaments. Blooms from the end of June to September. Achieves a height of 2-3 m. It clings to supports with twining leaf petioles. Useful..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2006.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
rose with a paler bar 2-3 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Bill MacKenzie'
Clematis 'Bill MacKenzie'

A graceful, very vigorous and floriferous climber with bright green leaves persisting well into November. During summer and autumn the plant is covered with a mass of campanulate, open, bright yellow with purple filaments, flowers, followed in autumn by s..

Selected by W. G. MacKenzie, United Kingdom. Named in 1968.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
yellow 6 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3-2 (rather hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3-2 (rather hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Birthday Girl'PBR
Clematis 'Birthday Girl'PBR

A new Polish cultivar abundant in violet-purple bloom with a red bar along the middle. Flowers borne in spring are double and semi-double, in summer – single. Perfect for container cultivation for sunny spots. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, ..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-purple 0.5-1 m medium V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Cotillion' PBR
Clematis 'Blue Cotillion' PBR

A Polish, free-flowering cultivar of light blue blooms adorned with a lighter stripe. In the spring, it produces semi-double flowers; they are single in the summer. It thrives in sunny sites. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers are large, avg. 22 cm across, flat..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light blue 1.5-2 m big VI, VII, IXVI, VII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Explosion' PBR
Clematis 'Blue Explosion' PBR

A Polish variety developed by Szczepan Marczyński, offered for sale in 2011. It produces abundant blossom of blue flowers with pink pigmentation on the top of the sepals, 12-14 cm in diameter, semi-full on the previous year shoots in May-June and single o..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2011.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue flowers with pink pigmentation on the top of the sepals 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Light'PBR
Clematis 'Blue Light'PBR

An exceptionally attractive compact cultivar with pale blue flowers. One of the very few varieties to carry double flowers on new growth later in the season. It clings to a support using twining leaf petioles. Suitable for growing over arbors, trellises, ..

Selected by F. van Haastert, Netherlands. Introduced in 1998.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue, always double 2 m medium V, VI, VIII, IX, XV, VI, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Pillar'
Clematis 'Blue Pillar'

Compact cultivar, with flowers 10-12 cm in diameter consisting of six elliptic, bright blue sepals with a lighter bar along the middle and slightly wavy edges; anthers are purple on white filaments and pistils are yellow. Flowers cover the plant tightly f..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 2013.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale blue 2 m medium VI, VIIVI, VII N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Sensation'
Clematis 'Blue Sensation'

A perennial cultivar of violet-blue flowers opening from June to October. Recommended for  perennial borders or for planting among lower shrubs. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers small, 6-8 cm across, violet-blue, consisting of 4 (sometimes 6) oblong sepals wi..

Raised by Gerard S. Kuijf, Netherlands.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 1-1.5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Surprise'
Clematis 'Blue Surprise'

An intriguing, new Polish cultivar producing always double or semi-double flowers, violet-blue, white at the base and bell-shaped. The peak bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with shrubs, both deciduous an..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 2.5-3 m medium V, VII, VIIIV, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Bluish Violet'
Clematis 'Bluish Violet'

A slender-stemmed, scrambling herbaceous perennial. Stems don’t twine round supports, but they can lean against them. Bell-shaped, violet-blue nodding flowers, borne from June to September, followed by silky seed heads. Best planted on perennial borders o..

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet 1 m small VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' BLUE ANGEL
Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' BLUE ANGEL

A healthy Polish cultivar, moderately fast growing and free-flowering. Pale blue flowers with wavy edges and yellow-green stamens, borne from June to August. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can be grown into..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland. Introduced in 1988.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale blue 3-4 m medium VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Carmencita'
Clematis 'Carmencita'

A healthy free-flowering cultivar with lovely carmine-red textured flowers. Broad rhomboidal tepals are edged in deeper red and are paler pink-red at the base. Reddish purple anthers on greenish filaments. It grows up to 3 m. It needs a lot of light but i..

Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1952.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
carmine red 2.5-3 m medium VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Cecile'
Clematis 'Cecile'

An early-flowering variety. Lovely, semi-double, dense blue flowers, borne from April to June, followed by silky seed heads. A very hardy plant with low requirements, tolerates semi-shade. Ideal for growing over fences, stones, old stumps, shrubs and coni..

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue, semi-double 2-3 m small IV, VIV, V S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Change of Heart'
Clematis 'Change of Heart'

A Polish, abundantly and long-flowering cultivar of intriguing flowers that change colour while opening. Recommended for all types of gardens. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, 10–13 cm across, with 6 sepals of crimson red at the beginning, in ..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 2004. Named in 2014, on the market from summer 2016.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink 1.7-2 m big V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Cloudburst'
Clematis 'Cloudburst'

The latest cultivar from Szczepan Marczyński's collection of intriguing light pink-violet flowers turning white towards the centre, with pinkish veins. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter consist of 4-6 rhomboid, pointy sepals with slightly wavy edges, light pi..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, 2004 Poland. Introduced in 2014.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale violet 2-3 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Columella'
Clematis 'Columella'

Intriguing, recurving, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers, 7-10 cm across. Four lanceolate, slightly twisted tepals, creamy pink inside and pink-purple on the outside with a creamy edge. It blooms in late April and May, as one of the last of the group and it s..

Bred by Magnus Johnson in 1979.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
red-pink 2-3 m medium IV, VIV, V S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'

A healthy, moderately fast growing and free-flowering cultivar. Beautiful, medium-size, soft rose-pink flowers with cream anthers, borne from June to September. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can be grown i..

Raised by F. Morel, France. Introduced in 1900.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
rose-pink 3-4 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Constance'
Clematis 'Constance'

One of the earliest and most profusely flowering varieties. Charming, semi-double, crimson-pink flowers borne on long, slender stalks during April-June, and occasionally in summer. They are followed, during summer and autumn, by decorative silky seed head..

Raised by Mrs K. Goodman, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1992.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple 2 m small IV, V, VII, VIIIIV, V, VII, VIII S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Crispa Angel'
Clematis 'Crispa Angel'

Japanese cultivar of bell-shaped, nodding flowers 3.5-4 cm in diameter consisting of 4 light blue, white-toned sepals with wavy edges and pointy, curling tips. On the outside sepals have 2-3 distinct ribs. Stamens consist of yellow anthers set on white fi..

Selected by Kozo Sugimoto, Japan, before 2008.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale blue 1.5 m small VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Daniel Deronda'
Clematis 'Daniel Deronda'

A charming cultivar with very large, semi-double, violet-blue, paler towards the center, flowers, borne from May to June. Creamy-yellow anthers. During summer, it repeats flowering, abounding with large but single flowers. It looks particularly lovely whe..

Raised by C. Noble, United Kingdom 1882.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue, semi-double or single 2.5 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Danuta'
Clematis 'Danuta'

A Polish cultivar raised by brother Stefan Franczak at the beginning of the 90’s. Pink flowers with wavy edged tepals and creamy-green stamens are borne profusely in June and July. It climbs by means of twining leaf petioles and can reach a height up to 2..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink 3.5 m big VI, VIIVI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Diamond Ball' PBR
Clematis 'Diamond Ball' PBR

Polish variety raised by Szczepan Marczyński, available for purchase from summer 2012. Flowers are 10-12 cm in diameter, of white-blue colour, full, round or semi-spherical when full-blown (30-50 sepals), both on old and new wood. Elliptical, pointed and ..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in the market in 2012.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white-blue 2 m big VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Doctor Ruppel'
Clematis 'Doctor Ruppel'

A moderately fast growing climber with bicolor flowers: deep pink with a carmine bar and pale brown stamens. Blooms in May and again in July-September. Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports. It can clamb..

Raised by Dr Ruppel, Argentina. Introduced in 1975.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep pink with a carmine bar 2-3 m big V, VII, VIII, IXV, VII, VIII, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Duchess of Albany'
Clematis 'Duchess of Albany'

A moderately fast growing, semi-herbaceous climber. Attractive, nodding, bright pink flowers, shading to lilac-pink at margins, are similar in shape to lily-flowered tulips. During autumn and winter the plant is adorned with silky seed heads. Suitable for..

Raised by A. G. Jackman, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1894.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink, tulip-shaped 2-3 m small VII, VIII, IX, XVII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh'
Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh'

A moderately fast growing cultivar. Large, double, rosette-like, white with green shading flowers, borne on previous year’s wood in May-June. During summer single flowers are produced on new growth. It thrives best in full sun. Excellent for walls, arbors..

Raised by George Jackman & Son, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1874.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
double white, single in summer 2-3 m big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Elf'
Clematis 'Elf'

An intriguing variety, covered in summer with a mass of small (4-5 cm across), bell-shaped flowers composed of four recurving tepals, white inside, and pink-mauve on the outside. White-pink anthers and black pistils. Flowers appear from June to November, ..

Bred by Barry Fretwell, Great Britain
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white-pink-mauve 1.5-2 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XIVI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Emilia Plater'
Clematis 'Emilia Plater'

A healthy, free-flowering Polish cultivar from the Viticella Group. Pale blue flowers with violet shading and cream stamens. It requires plenty of sun but will grow well in a mediocre soil. Best planted close to small trees or shrubs, arbors or other supp..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland. Introduced in 1986.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale blue with violet shading 3-4 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Clematis 'Ernest Markham'

A moderately growing, floriferous cultivar. Glowing red-violet flowers with a velvety sheen and cream-brown stamens. Excellent for walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can also be grown into natural supports such as small trees or over large b..

Raised by E. Markham, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1938.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
red-violet with a velvety sheen 3-4 m big VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Etoile Violette'
Clematis 'Etoile Violette'

A healthy, profusely flowering cultivar from the Viticella Group. From June to September it produces an abundance of deep-purple flowers. Settles for medium soils. Perfect for covering fences and can be grown over practically any garden support. It also m..

Raised by F. Morel, France. Introduced in 1885.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep-purple 3 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fairy Bells'
Celamtis 'Fairy Bells'

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
lilac rose, bell-shaped 2-2.5 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fairy Dance'
Clematis 'Fairy Dance'

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light blue, bell-shaped 2.5-3 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fairy Slippers'
Clematis 'Fairy Slippers'

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink, bell-shaped 2-2.5 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fairydust'
Clematis 'Fairydust'

More information soon...  

Spring Valley Greenhouse, USA
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink 3 m medium VIII, IX, XVIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fay'
Clematis 'Fay'

Exceptionally free flowering, fetching cultivar of bell-shaped, nodding flowers 2-3 cm in diameter consisting of 4 light pink sepals with lighter margins and strongly curling tips. On the outside sepals are slightly ribbed and on the inside are creamy-pin..

Raised in 2003 by Willem Straver, Germany. On the market since 2007.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink 2 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Fireworks'
Clematis 'Fireworks'

An interesting cultivar with large vivid bicolor flowers. Purple sepals with a bright reddish-mauve central bar and slightly wavy margins. White filaments with purple anthers. Excellent for arbors, trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can also b..

Raised by J. Treasure, United Kingdom 1984.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple with reddish-mauve stripe 2.5-3.5 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'First Light'PBR
Clematis 'First Light'PBR

A new Polish cultivar abundant in creamy white bloom. Flowers borne in spring are double and semi-double, in summer – single. It thrives in sunny spots. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, 13-14 cm across, consist of 6 sepals and up to 50 petals...

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 1.2-1.5 m medium V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'First Love'PBR
Clematis 'First Love'PBR

A Polish cultivar of charming, white, always semi-double flowers opening from June till August. Recommended for growing in domestic gardens and in large pots in balconies and terraces. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Large flowers, 10–15 cm across, with 20–30 slight..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 1999. Named in 2015, on the market from summer 2016.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white, double 2 m medium VI, VIIVI, VII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Floral Dance' PBR
Clematis 'Floral Dance' PBR

A new Polish cultivar of always double or semi-double, violet-blue flowers appearing on new growth. Raised by Szczepan Marczyński. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE:  Medium-sized flowers of 5-7 cm diameter, violet-blue with a purple stripe, always double. Consist of..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue 2-2.5 m small VI, VIIVI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Frances Rivis'
Clematis 'Frances Rivis'

A beautiful, early and profusely flowering variety. Violet-blue flowers with a contrasting sheaf of white stamens and staminodes in the center, followed, during summer and autumn, by decorative silky seed heads. A very hardy plant with low requirements. I..

Raised by Sir Cedric Morris, United Kingdom
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 2-3 m small IV, VIV, V S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Frankie'
Clematis 'Frankie'

One of the earliest and most profusely flowering varieties – during April-June, with occasional flowers in summer. Charming, large, rich blue flowers with outer staminodes tinged blue and inner staminodes white are followed during summer and autumn by dec..

Raised by F. Meechar, United Kingdom.Introduced in 1991.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue 2 m small IV, V, VII, VIIIIV, V, VII, VIII S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Frau Susanne'
Clematis 'Frau Susanne'

A Japanese variety with star-shaped flowers, 13-17 cm across, composed of 6-8 slightly wavy cream white tepals gradually turning purple-pink towards the tip. Purple-pink veining. Yellow anthers on light green filaments. Blooms in May – June and again in ..

Bred by Masako Takeuchi, Japan 1985
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
cream-purple-pink 2 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fryderyk Chopin'
Clematis 'Fryderyk Chopin'

A Polish cultivar bearing interesting, gray-blue flowers with curvy edged tepals and cream stamens. Suitable for fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can be grown over natural supports such as large bushy, deciduous or coniferous shrub..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland 1994.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
gray-blue 3 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fujimusume'
Clematis 'Fujimusume'

A charming Japanese cultivar bearing bright blue flowers with yellow stamens. Free-flowering in May-June, and again in August-September. Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports. It can clamber over natural..

Raised by Seejuuroo Arai, Japan 1952.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
bright blue 2-3 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fuyu-No-Tabi'
Clematis 'Fuyu-No-Tabi'

A Japanese variety with flowers 15-18 cm in diameter, usually consisting of 8 sepals, creamy white in colour and oval in shape. Stamens have crimson anthers on creamy filaments. Flowers are borne in second half of May till June and reappear, although less..

Raised by Masako Takeuchi, Japan 1994 .
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 2-3 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Generał Sikorski'
Clematis 'Generał Sikorski'

One of the most popular varieties. Mid-blue flowers, reddish at the base of the sepals, are profusely borne from June to July. It was raised in Poland. Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports, particularly..

Raised by Władysław Noll, Poland. Introduced in 1980.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
mid-blue 2-3 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Golden Dream'PBR
Clematis 'Golden Dream'PBR

A beautiful Polish cultivar bearing always semi-double and double, lime-yellow and bell-shaped flowers, smelling of grapefruit. It blooms most abundantly in May and then continues less profusely until August. In the garden, it can grow by different types ..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Polska. In sale since 2020 r.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
yellow, fragrant 2-3 m medium V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Golden Surprise' PBR
Clematis 'Golden Surprise' PBR

A beautiful, new Polish cultivar of always double or semi-double flowers, light yellow and bell-shaped, of grapefruit scent. The peak bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with shrubs, both deciduous and coni..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
jasnożółte 2.5-3 m medium V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty'
Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty'

Unusual flowers, shaped like lily-flowered tulips. Rich crimson tepals are later spreading. The beautiful flowers open much wider than other texensis types. During autumn and winter the plant is adorned with decorative seed heads. It clings to a support b..

Raised by F. Morel, France.Introduced in 1914.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
crimson, tulip-shaped 2-3 m medium VII, VIIIVII, VIII S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Grunwald' PBR
Clematis 'Grunwald'

The latest cultivar from Szczepan Marczyński's collection, with dark purple-violet, velvety flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, consisting of 6 (sometimes 4-5) rhomboid, pointy sepals, dark violet underneath with a pink bar along the middle. Stamens have purple..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, 2004 Poland. Introduced in 2014.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple-violet 3-3.5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hakuookan'
Clematis 'Hakuookan'

A remarkable Japanese variety. Large, deep violet-purple flowers with a conspicuous center of creamy-white, exceptionally long stamens. Blooming period in May-June, and again in August. A compact cultivar, perfect for a container.

Raised by Yoshio Kubota, Japan 1957.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-purple with white stamens 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hakuree'
Clematis 'Hakuree'

A slender-stemmed, scrambling perennial originating from Japan. Stems don’t twine round supports, but they can lean against them. Bell-shaped, white, lightly scented flowers, tinted with mauve at the center, borne from June to September, followed, in July..

Raised by Kazushige Ozawa, Japan.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
bluish white small VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Halina Noll'
Clematis 'Halina Noll'

A Polish variety raised by Władysław Noll with white flowers tinged with light pink, full on old wood and single on new growth. Sepals vary from oval to diamond-shape. Anthers are yellow on creamy filaments. Flowers are borne on old wood in May-June and r..

Raised by Władysław Noll and named to honour his daughter. Introduced in the market in 1975.In the ’80 extinguished in Poland and re-introduced in 2012 after importing from Rogerson Clematis Collection in the USA.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white, tinged with light pink 2.5-3 m big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hanajima'
Clematis 'Hanajima'

A slender-stemmed, scrambling perennial originating from Japan. Stems don’t twine round supports, but they can lean against them. Bell-shaped, purple-pink nodding flowers with recurving tepals, borne from June to September, followed by silky seed heads. B..

Raised by Kazushige Ozawa, Japan 1986.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple-pink 0.3 m small VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hania'
Clematis 'Hania'

Attractive single bicolor flowers: vivid velvety purple-red with a pale pink margin. Contrasting yellow-golden anthers and white filaments. The young foliage has a purple cast. Polish variety. Free-flowering over a long period, from late May to mid July a..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2001.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
red with pink edges 2 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Happy Diana'
Clematis 'Happy Diana'

A Japanese cultivar of the largest flowers in Texensis Group. Flowers are deep pink, tulip-shaped. Bloom profusely throughout summer. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers small, 4–7 cm across, deep pink, consisting of 4 sepals strongly curled at the tips. They ..

Found as a sport of ‘Princes Diana’ cultivar by Tuneo Tshigura, Japan, ca. 2006.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink 3-4 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Helios'
Clematis 'Helios'

A beautiful, strong-growing cultivar, very free-flowering over an incredibly long period. Nodding at first, and then opening completely flat, bright yellow flowers have decorative, outer reflexed tepals. Blooms in June-August, flowers later on followed by..

Raised by Proefstation vor de Boomwekerij, Boskoop, Netherlands 1988.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
bright yellow 3 m small VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, E, W 3-2 (rather hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3-2 (rather hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hoshi-no-flamenco'
Clematis 'Hoshi-no-flamenco'

An attractive Japanese cultivar with large, bright red flowers. Recommended for cultivation in all types of house gardens.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers large,  across 15–17 cm, bright purple-red, velvety. Sepals wide, elliptic, with tips slightly curled;..

Japan. Raised by Minoru Hoshino, Japan.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
red-purple 1.7-2 m big V, VIV, VI S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hot Kisses'PBR
Clematis 'Hot Kisses'PBR

A new Polish cultivar abundant in red bloom. Flowers borne in spring are double and semi-double, in summer – single. It thrives in sunny spots. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers 12-14 cm across, consist of 8 sepals and 40-80 stamens. They are bu..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
red 1-1.5 m medium V, VIV, VI S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Hot Love'PBR
Clematis 'Hot Love'PBR

A new Polish cultivar abundant in bright red-pink (burgundy) bloom. Flowers borne in spring are double and semi-double, in summer – single. It thrives in sunny spots. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, 10-14 cm across, consist of 8 sepals and up..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
red-pink (burgundy) 1-1.5 m medium V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Huldine'
Clematis 'Huldine'

A vigorous and free-flowering cultivar. Pearly white flowers with a mauve bar on the reverse and white filaments with yellow anthers, borne from June to September. Thrives best in full sun. Suitable for fences, arbors and garden supports.

Raised by F. Morel, France. Introduced in 1934.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pearl-white 3-5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Innocent Blush' PBR
Clematis 'Innocent Blush' PBR

A Polish variety raised by Szczepan Marczyński, introduced in the market in summer 2012 . Flowers on old wood are semi-full, 12-18 cm in diameter, with sepals longer on the outside and gradually shorter towards the center. Sepals are light pink with a dar..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński. Available for purchase from 2012.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink with a darker pink blush 2 m big V, VI, VII, VIII, IXV, VI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Teraz Polska