Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy
Plant name
Plants height
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Annual growth
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Frost resistance zone
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japanese wisteria 'Murasaki-noda'

Wisteria floribunda 'Murasaki-noda' ('Purple Patches')

japanese wisteria 'Murasaki-noda'

Wisteria floribunda 'Murasaki-noda' ('Purple Patches')

Decoration form flowers
Color of flowers violet blue
Flowering month V V
Evergreen plant no
Plants height 6-10 m
Annual growth 1-3 m
Aspect sun, 3/4 sun
Frost hardiness 6A - 9 Zones 6A - 9

Violet blue flowers, gathered in long racemes, appear in May. Pinnate green leaves turn yellow in autumn. The stems twine in an anti-clockwise direction. Attains a height of 6-10 m (1-3 m annually). Best grown in a sheltered, warm and sunny positions. It may freeze during severe winters. Requires a strong support.