Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy
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Integrifolia Group

Clematis 'Once More'PBR

Clematis 'Once More'PBR

Integrifolia Group

Clematis 'Once More'PBR

Clematis 'Once More'PBR

Color of flowers dark violet
Plants height 1-1.5 m
Flowers size medium
Flowering month VI, VII, VIII VI, VII, VIII
Aspect S, E, W
Pruning way 3 (hard)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

A charming new cultivar, sprinkled with a mass of dark violet flowers throughout the summer. Especially useful as a ground cover or terrace plant. Resistant and easy to grow.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers upturned, open, 10-12 cm in diameter, consist of 5-6 sepals. Sepals are dark violet, velvety, with a purple stripe, elliptic and gracefully twirled. Stamens consist of yellow anthers on lime green filaments. It blooms from April until mid-August and repeats blooming less intensively until October. Leaves are green, exclusively single, elongated and pointy, matte. New shoots are purple.

HOW IT GROWS: Perennial; a primitive climber with shoots that do not cling to the supports. Moderately strong-growing. Reaches 1.5 m height.

WHERE TO PLANT: Best suited to sunny locations and fertile, permeable soils with neutral or slightly alkaline pH. It will also grow in heavier, clay soils. Hardy (zone 4-9).

HOW TO PLANT AND GROW: Place the plant in a pit (30 x 30 x 30 cm) with fertile soil and a couple of cm draining layer at the bottom, 0.5-1 cm deeper than it grew in the container (planting tutorial). The cultivar is easy to maintain. In early spring dead shoots should be cut back just above the ground, and the live ones at 5-10 cm (pruning tutorial). In mid-April it should be supplemented with a slow-release fertilizer (e.g. Osmocote 5˗6M). Water during the season.

HOW TO APPLY: It looks its best when interlaced with other plants, especially those with yellow foliage. It may grow along low supports (which requires tying the shoots) or as a ground cover. It thrives in containers.

ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Available from 2024. More about our cultivars…

SIMILAR CULTIVARS: ‘Sizaia Ptitsa’, ‘Arabella’ (1994)

PBR - unlicensed propagation and production is prohibited. Licence No PBR COBORU O O2242