grapevine 'Antracyt' ('Charlie')
Vitis 'Antracyt' ('Charlie')
grapevine 'Antracyt' ('Charlie')
Vitis 'Antracyt' ('Charlie')
Decoration form | fruits |
Evergreen plant | no |
Density on 1 m2 | |
Annual growth | 1-2 m |
Aspect |
Frost hardiness | 6 - 9 Zones 6 - 9 |
Plentiful, resistant and easy in cultivation, the cultivar yields large, elliptical, tasty berries.
WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Dark berries with blue bloom, the essence of dessert type, very large (7-10 g), of elliptical shape, sweet and tasty; ripen in September. Gathered in very large bunches (up to 35 cm length and 1 kg weight). Leaves dark green, large, turn yellow in autumn.
HOW IT GROWS: Climber; climbs using tendrils. Strong-growing, reaches 8 m height with annual growth rate of 2 m. Hardy up to -24oC. Moderately resistant to fungal diseases.
WHERE TO PLANT: Best suited for sunny and warm locations. Thrives in hummus-rich, rather fertile and moderately moist soil, with neutral or slightly acidic pH. Moderately hardy (zone 6-9).
HOW TO PLANT AND GROW: Before planting immerse the plant container in water for 10-30 min. Place the plant in a 40 x 40 x 40 cm pit with a 10 cm layer of well-rotten manure or compost soil at the bottom, 0.5-1 cm deeper than it was planted before. Fill the pit with fertile soil. The plant should be located at least 30 cm away from a wall or other plants. Requires moderate pruning only. To ensure that high quality fruit is set, annual formative pruning is recommended (usually performed in the second half of February).
HOW TO APPLY: Suitable for amateur cultivation.
ORIGIN: hybrid of Wiktoria x Nadieżda Azos cultivars, raised by E. G. Pawlowskij, Russia.