Dwarf Periwinkle 'Alba Variegata'
Vinca minor 'Alba Variegata'
Dwarf Periwinkle 'Alba Variegata'
Vinca minor 'Alba Variegata'
Decoration form | leaves, white flowers |
Color of flowers | white |
Flowering month | IV, V, VI, VII IV, V, VI, VII |
Evergreen plant |
Density on 1 m2 | 10 |
Annual growth | 0.5 m |
Aspect |
Frost hardiness | 5A - 8 Zones 5A - 8 |
An intriguing cultivar of green, yellow-margined and yellow-splashed leaves and white blossom. Not very expansive, therefore useful for covering small spaces. Recommended for public areas.
WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Leaves decorative, evergreen, ovate, green with yellow margins and yellow splashes. Flowers pretty, small, ca. 3 cm across, single, white. Blooms profusely in April and continues moderately until July.
HOW IT GROWS: Dwarf shrub; shoots procumbent. Develops root sprouts that take root eventually. Moderate growth rate 0.5-1 m annualy, reaching total of 0.15 m height. Trailing shoots cover the ground densely.
WHERE TO PLANT: Prefers shade or semi-shade but copes well also in sunny sites. Thrives in humus or fertile, moderately moist and slightly acidic soils and tolerates neutral pH, too. Frost hardy (Zone 5).
HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN: Before planting immerse the plant container in water for 10-30 min. Place the plant in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm hole covered at the bottom with a 10 cm layer of well-rotten manure or compost, 1 cm deeper than it was before. Fill in the hole with fertile soil. Does not require pruning.
HOW TO APPLY: An excellent cover, especially for small spaces. Recommended for house gardens as well as public areas.