Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy
Plant name
Plants height
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Annual growth
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Five Flavour Berry, Chinese Magnolia Vine, Schizandra Berry

Schisandra chinensis, wu-wei-zi

Five Flavour Berry, Chinese Magnolia Vine, Schizandra Berry

Schisandra chinensis, wu-wei-zi

Decoration form edible fruits, leaves
Color of flowers white
Flowering month V, VI V, VI
Evergreen plant no
Density on 1 m2
Annual growth 1 m
Aspect 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun
Frost hardiness 5A - 8 Zones 5A - 8

A valuable climber grown not only for its ornamental and medicinal properties but also for consumption. Fruits, leaves and bark contain schisandrine (tonifying and strengthening substance), vitamin E and are rich in microelements. Flowers small, creamy-white during May and June. Scarlet, round berries, borne in grape-like clusters, ripen from August to September. It starts bearing fruit in the fourth-sixth year after planting. A hardy, high-climbing species reaching 3-10 m (1 m of annual growth). Requires moist but not damp, fertile soils. Particularly useful for growing over fences and buildings, but it can also be left scrambling over arbors, pergolas and various supports.