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Flammula Group

Sweetautumn Clematis 'Early Snow'

Clematis terniflora 'Early Snow'

Flammula Group

Sweetautumn Clematis 'Early Snow'

Clematis terniflora 'Early Snow'

Color of flowers white
Plants height 3-4 m
Flowers size small
Flowering month IX, X, XI IX, X, XI
Aspect S, E, W
Pruning way 2-3 (medium)
Frost hardiness 6 - 9 Zones 6 - 9

An attractive feature in autumn garden – rampant vine covered during the season with hundreds or even thousands of white, star-like flowers, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, gathered in panicles.  Flowers consist of 4-5 sepals and white stamens (both anthers and filaments). Free flowering in September and October and if frosts don't come – even until mid-November. Another ornamental feature are the plant's leaves – dark green, glossy compound or double compound, up to 45 cm long and 50 cm wide. Leaflets are sometimes serrated or irregularly dented. Plant reaches 3-4 m height. Climbs by leaf petioles. Relatively undemanding, robust cultivar. Prefers sunny sites.
Useful for creating covers; growing over arbours, trellises and other tall garden supports. It can also climb over natural supports, such as large shrubs or trees.