Clematis 'Skyfall'
Clematis 'Skyfall'
Clematis 'Skyfall'
Clematis 'Skyfall'
Color of flowers | pale blue |
Plants height |
Flowers size |
Flowering month | VI, VII, VIII VI, VII, VIII |
Aspect | S, E, W |
Pruning way |
Frost hardiness | 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9 |
The latest cultivar from Szczepan Marczyński's collection of light blue flowers with irregular light violet splashes getting lighter towards the centre and with pinkish veins.
Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter consist of 4-6 elliptic, pointy sepals with slightly wavy edges and are light blue underneath with a light, almost white bar along the middle. Stamens prettily contrast with the perianth due to dark, purple-violet anthers on greenish-white filaments. Blooming profusely from mid-June till the end of July and continues moderately until the end of August. Leaves are single, consisting of 3-5 leaflets, or bifoliate, up to 24 cm long and 27 cm wide; leaflets are dark green, with a red margin at an early stage, about 14 cm long and 10 cm wide. New shoots are green-purple and old ones are brown. The plant reaches 2.5 m height. Climbs by leaf petiole. Relatively undemanding, robust cultivar.
Useful as a cover when cultivated over fences, arbours, trellises and other tall garden supports. It can also climb over natural supports, such as large shrubs or trees. Looks particularly attractive against light background.