Search - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Viticella Group

Clematis 'Night Veil'

Clematis 'Night Veil'

Viticella Group

Clematis 'Night Veil'

Clematis 'Night Veil'

Color of flowers purple-blue with lighter stripe
Plants height 2-3 m
Flowers size medium
Flowering month VI, VII, VIII, IX VI, VII, VIII, IX
Aspect S, E, W
Pruning way 3 (hard)
Frost hardiness 5 - 9 Zones 5 - 9

A Japanese cultivar with crimson-violet flowers, about 8 cm across. 4-6 tepals have a fair, almost white at the base, central bar. Crimson-violet anthers on white-yellow filaments. It flowers from June to September. It grows best in a sunny spot. Climbs using leaf petioles. Useful for growing up fences, arbours, trellises, stakes, and other garden supports. It looks particularly lovely against a fair background or when clambering over natural supports.