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Clematis 'Stefan Franczak'

Clematis 'Stefan Franczak'


Clematis 'Stefan Franczak'

Clematis 'Stefan Franczak'

Color of flowers bright blue with a lighter bar
Plants height 1.7-2 m
Flowers size medium
Flowering month VI, VII VI, VII
Aspect N, E, W
Pruning way 2 (light)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

The latest cultivar from Szczepan Marczyński's collection, named in honour of Jesuit brother Stefan Franczak, with bright blue flowers bearing a lighter bar along the midrib, whitening towards the centre. Flowers 6-10 cm in diameter consist of 6 sepals with attractively waved edges. Stamens have yellow anthers on white filaments. Flowers are borne profusely in June and July. Leaves are single or trifoliate, light green. New shoots are purple-green and old ones – brown. The plant reaches 1.7-2 m height. Climbs by leaf petioles.

It is useful for growing over low fences, trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can also climb over natural supports, such as deciduous and coniferous shrubs and dwarf shrubs that don't require hard pruning. Thrives in well-lit sites. Looks particularly attractive combined with yellow-leaved or yellow-flowered plants. In sunny, well-lit sites the flowers fade and die earlier. Suitable for container cultivation.

AWARDS: golden medal on Green is Life 2014 garden exhibition (Warsaw, Poland). More about awards...