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Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR

Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR


Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR

Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR

Color of flowers deep blue, always double
Plants height 2 m
Flowers size medium
Flowering month VI, VII, VIII VI, VII, VIII
Aspect S, E, W
Pruning way 2 (light)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

An attractive Polish cultivar of bright blue, semi-double flowers appearing in abundance throughout summer. Recommended for cultivation in all types of domestic gardens.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, 10–12 cm across, usually semi-double, with 30–40 slightly wavy sepals and staminodes, blue with a paler bar in the middle.  Yellow anthers on white filaments and light yellow pistils are set off beautifully by the blue perianth. Blooms between June and August both on old and new shoots. Flowers appear from the plant base to the top. Leaves dark green of smooth margins, simple, heart-shaped, trifoliate, consisting in elliptical, pointy leaflets.

HOW IT GROWS: A climber supporting itself with leaf tendrils. Reaches 2 m height.

WHERE TO PLANT: Best adapted to sun-lit but not hot sites. Prefers fertile, moderately moist, well-drained soil. Frost hardy (zone 4–9).

HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN: Before planting immerse the plant container in water for 10-30 min. Place the plant in a 60 x 60 x 60 cm hole with a 10-cm layer of pebbles and gravel at the bottom. Cover the roots with a bucket of well-rotten manure or compost and fill up with fertile soil. Place the plant base 5–10 cm deeper than it was before. Plant at least 30 cm from walls or other plants. The base should be in a shade. Cover the ground around the new plants with bark mulch and for winter protection pile it up to 10 cm. Fertilize with Osmocote 5-6 M, water generously in vegetative season. At the end of February or the beginning of March remove dead shoots and prune the live ones moderately – in the first year around 30 cm from the base, above the stronger buds, in the second year – 70 cm from the base and in following seasons – at 150 cm.

HOW TO APPLY: Recommended for cultivation along trellises, obelisks and other garden supports. It looks particularly attractive when interlaces coniferous or deciduous shrubs or dwarf shrubs of limited growth rate, especially those with yellow foliage.

ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 1999. Named in 2014, on the market from summer 2016.

SIMILAR CULTIVARS: ‘Kiri Te Kanawa’, ‘Blue Explosion’, ‘Beauty of Worcester’, ‘Vyvyan Pennell’, ‘Shin-shigyoku’.

PBR - unlicensed propagation prohibited