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Clematis 'Vistula'

Clematis 'Vistula'PBR


Clematis 'Vistula'

Clematis 'Vistula'PBR

Color of flowers pale violet-blue
Plants height 2.5-3 m
Flowers size very big
Flowering month VI, VII, VIII, IX VI, VII, VIII, IX
Aspect S, N, E, W
Pruning way 3 (hard)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

Polish cultivar with pale violet-blue flowers of about 15-20 cm across, composed of 6 oval tepals, long-tipped, wavy-edged. The stamens have yellow anthers on creamy filaments.

It starts flowering in June but the bloom is the most profuse in August when other cultivars are already finishing their flowering period. It attains the height of 2,5-3 m and attaches itself to the support by means of twining leaf petioles.

Useful for growing on arbours, fences, trellises, poles and various garden supports. It can climb up natural supports such as deciduous and coniferous shrubs or dwarf shrubs.

AWARDS: bronze medal at Plantarium 2010 in Holland. More about awards...