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Clematis 'Snow Storm'PBR

Clematis 'Snow Storm'PBR


Clematis 'Snow Storm'PBR

Clematis 'Snow Storm'PBR

Color of flowers white
Plants height 2-2.5 m
Flowers size medium
Flowering month VI, VII VI, VII
Aspect S, E, W
Pruning way 3 (hard)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

A new Polish cultivar, blooming profusely with white, single flowers. Undemanding and easy to grow. Raised by Szczepan Marczyński.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE:  Flowers 10-14 cm in diameter, single, pure white. Consist of 5-6 slightly wavy, distinctly veined sepals. Stamens consist of light yellow anthers set on white filaments. The main blooming occurs from mid-June till the end of July and  may reappear (less profusely) at the end of September/beginning of October. Leaves are light green, lackluster, unifoliate and heart-shaped or compound, trifoliate.

HOW OT GROWS: Climber; uses leaf petioles to cling to supports. Reaches 2-2.5 m height.

WHERE TO PLANT: Thrives in well-lit but not overheated sites. Prefers fertile, moderately moist and well drained soils. Hardy (zone 4–9).

HOW TO PLANT AND GROW: Immerse the plant in its container in water for 10-30 minutes. Place the plant in a 60 x 60 x 60 cm pit with a 10 cm draining layer e.g. pebbles or gravel on the bottom. Empty a bucket of well-rotten manure or compost into the pit and fill it up with fertile soil. The plant should be placed in the pit 5-10 cm deeper than it was in the container. Plant at least 30 cm apart from walls or other plants (planting tutorial). Cover the base of the Clematis with bark mulch. Before winter the mulch layer should be piled around the plant base up to 10 cm. In April fertilize with Osmocote Substral 5-6 M and water generously throughout the vegetation period. At the end of February or the beginning of March remove dead growth and prune live shoots moderately – in the first year at around 30 cm from the ground, above the strong buds, and from the second year – at 30-50 cm from the ground (pruning tutorial).

HOW TO APPLY: This cultivar is suitable for growing along trellises, obelisks and other garden supports as well as in large containers on balconies and terraces. It may climb over natural supports such as deciduous or coniferous shrubs.

ORIGIN: Poland. Raised by Szczepan Marczyński. On sale from 2021. More about cultivars from our nursery...

SIMILAR CULTIVARS: ‘Huldine’, ‘White Prince Charles’

PBR - propagation without license is prohibited. License number TO 2117

Teraz Polska
