Search - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Integrifolia Group

Clematis diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'

Clematis ×diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'

Integrifolia Group

Clematis diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'

Clematis ×diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'

Color of flowers pink
Plants height 1.2-2 m
Flowers size small
Flowering month VII, VIII, IX VII, VIII, IX
Aspect S, N, E, W
Pruning way 3 (hard)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

A charming perennial clematis with pink, bell-shaped flowers. Its raised, non-clinging stems (as in climbing rose) can lean against a support or sprawl over the ground. It looks lovely meandering amongst other plants and is suitable for growing over small garden supports. Particularly useful for growing through perennials or small shrubs, as ground cover or in a container on a patio.