Search - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'

Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'


Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'

Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'

Color of flowers blue-violet with a lighter bar
Plants height 2-3 m
Flowers size very big
Flowering month VI, VII, VIII, IX, X VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
Aspect S, N, E, W
Pruning way 2 (light)
Frost hardiness 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9

A new Polish cultivar raised in 2004. Awarded the gold medal at the Plantarium 2005 Arboricultural Trade Fair. Large (20 cm in diameter) pale blue-purple flowers are darker at the margins, while the interior of the tepal is almost white and a central tuft of stamens a yellow-white. Wavy edges and recurving tips of the tepals give the plant an unusual appearance. It blooms abundantly and over a long period, starting in June and continuing through October. Moderately growing, it climbs using leaf petioles. It’s best grown in a wind-sheltered position, against a dark background. Suitable for fences, arbors, trellises, stakes and other garden supports, as well as containers.

AWARDS: golden medal at Plantarium 2005 (Holland). More about awards...

Teraz Polska