Every year we introduce a number of new plants to our offer.
Integrifolia Group - exciting perennial varieties; they bloom profusely and adundantly, are easy to maintain and denand hard cut in spring;
- Clematis 'Expander'PBR - big as for Integrifolia Group dark pink flowers;
- Clematis 'Mystic River'PBR - abundantly and profusely flowering all summer long; it has violet-blue flowers with visible darker bar in the middle of the sepals;
- Clematis 'Sweet Wave'PBR - very healthy perennial variety with violet-blue, fragrant flowers;
Early Large-Flowered Gloup
- Clematis 'Anna's Choice'PBR - double and semi-double violet-pink flowers;
- Clematis 'Sweet Morning'PBR - white fragrant flowers;
Late Large-Flowered Group
- Clematis 'Grześ' - interesting variety with simple maroon-violet flowers;
Viticella Group
- Clematis 'Polka' - white flowers with pink edges of the sepals, profusely flowering;
Novelties 2024
Integrifolia Group - profusely booming perennial varieties
- 'Once More'PBR a wonderful new perennial variety of Clematis. Flowers (10-13 cm diameter) in velvet deep violet colour and yellow centre.
- 'Strawberry Fields'PBR one of the best new perennial variety of Clematis from Szczepan Marczyński Clematis Varieties breeding programme. Flowers - single, middle size (7-10 cm diameter) in dark red-pink colour and yellow centre
Early-Large flowered Group
- 'Baltic Waves'PBR it has very large single flowers (24-28 cm in diameter) in violet-blue colour with brighter bar in the middle of the sepals. Sepals with quite unusual wavy ends.
- 'Raspberry Cream'PBR a cultivar with large (18-20 diameter) pink flowers and yellow stamens.
- 'Zosia'PBR beautiful new cultivar with rich red flowers (12-16 cm diameter). Very compact (up to 100-150 cm) and very profusely blooming in May till the end of June.
Late-Large flowered Group
- 'Neonka'PBR a cultivar with very effective flowers. Single flowers (8-12 cm diameter), deep violet in colour with bright yellow stamens
Viticella Group
- 'Scarlet Windmill'PBR interesting new variety with red flowers (8-12 cm diameter) with green ends if the petals.
Atragene Group
- 'Violet Lampion'PBR (Orion'PBR) a variety with very big (8-12 cm long) flowers. Flowers are single, made of 4 petals, deep violet in colour.
More at www.morethan.com.pl
Novelties 2023
Clematis Early-flowered group:
- 'Birthay Girl'PBR - a compact variety (height up to 60 - 150 cm) with double, pink flowers;
- 'First Light'PBR - a compact variety (height up to 60 - 150 cm) with double, white flowers;
- 'Hot Kisses'PBR - a variety with big double flowers, firstly purple-pink, later pink:
- 'Hot Love'PBR - a variety with big double flowers, firstly purple-pink, later pink;
Clematis Late-flowered group:
- 'Jan Karski' - a veriety with blue-white flowers;
Atragene group:
- LUMINOUS® DUSK - yellow leaves and purple-pink, double flowers;
- LUMINOUS® SNOW - yellow leaves and white, double flowers;
Other novelties
More at www.morethan.com.pl
Novelties 2022
Clematis Early-flowered group:
- ‘Akafuji’ – a Japanese cultivar with semi-double and double flowers
- ‘Blue Cotillion’PBR – a Polish cultivar with big, semi-double, light blue flowers
- ‘Królowa Bona’ – a Polish cultivar with double or semi-double, violet-purple flowers with reddish-purple bar along the midrib of the petal
- ‘Pistachio Cake’PBR – light pink flowers with pink-green shades at the base of the petals, double in spring, a Polish cultivar
- ‘Polonia Restituta’ – big star-shaped velvet maroon flowers, silver-gray from the bottom, a Polish cultivar
Viticella group:
- ‘Fairy Bells’ – lilac rose flowers, bell-shaped
- ‘Fairy Dance’ – light blue-violet, bell-shaped flowers
- ‘Fairy Slippers’ – light rose, bell-shaped flowers
Flammula Group:
- ‘Stellar’ – white, star-shaped flowers, fragrant
Other new introductions: 
- Alstroemeria SUMMER BREAK® ‘Tessumbreak’PBR
- Cytisus 'Andreanus'
- Cytisus 'Apricot Gem'
- Cytisus 'Boskoop Ruby'
- Cytisus 'Burkwoodii'
- Cytisus 'Golden Sunlight'
- Cytisus 'Goldfinch'
- Cytisus 'Hollandia'
- Cytisus 'Lena'
- Cytisus 'Luna'
- Cytisus 'White Lion'
- Hippophae rhamnoides 'Eva'
- Hippophae rhamnoides 'Otto'
- Ribes nigrum 'Titania'
- Ribes rubrum 'Jonkheer van Tets'
- Ribes uva-crispa 'Captivator'
- Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Gron'
- Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Rod'
- Salix gracilistyla 'Melanostachys'
- Slaix gracilistyla 'Mt. Aso'
- Vaccinium macrocarpon 'Early Black'
- Vaccinium macrocarpon 'Pilgrim'
Novelties 2021
Clematis Early-flowered group
Clematis Late-flowered group
Clematis Atragene group
- ‘Blue Surprise’
- ‘Golden Surprise’PBR
- ‘Pink Surprise’
- ‘Purple Surprise’PBR
- ‘Violet Surprise’PBR
Other novelties
- Alstroemeria SUMMER SKY® ‘Tessumsky’PBR
- Alstroemeria RIVER VALLEY® ‘Tessumriver’PBR
- Alstroemeria SPRING VALLEY® ‘Tesvalsprin’PBR
- Alstroemeria VALLEY GIRL® ‘Tesvalgirl’PBR
- Fuchsia magellanica ‘Tricolor’
- Fuchsia magellanica ‘Whiteknight’s Pearl’
- Fuchsia magellanica var. arauco
- Fuchsia magellanica var. molinae
- Ficus carica ‘Bornholm’
- Ficus carica ‘Morena’
- Ficus carica ‘Brown Turkey’
- Ficus carica ‘Francuesco’
- Morus ‘King of White’
- Morus ‘Red no.2’
- Morus ‘Seedless’
- Rosa ‘Adelaide Hoodless’
- Rosa ‘Alexander MacKenzie’
- Rosa ‘Campfire’
- Rosa ‘Champlain’
- Rosa ‘J.P. Connell’
- Rosa ‘Louise Bugnet’
- Rosa ‘Merveille’
- Rosa ‘Morden Belle’
- Rosa ‘Morden Centennial’
- Rosa ‘Morden Fireglow’
- Rosa ‘Morden Ruby’
- Rosa ‘Morden Sunrise’
- Rosa ‘Nicolas’
- Vitis ‘Aloszenkin’
Novelties 2020
- Clematis 'Akane no tsubo'
- Clematis 'Golden Dream' PBR
- Clematis 'Kohana'
- Clematis 'Panther'
- Clematis 'The Heroes of Warsaw'
- Actinidia arguta HOKEY POKEY®
- Alstroemeria HOLIDAY VALLEY® 'Tessumholid' PBR
- Alstroemeria INDIAN SUMMER® 'Tesronto' PBR
- Alstroemeria SUMMER BREEZE® 'Tessumbre' PBR
- Alstroemeria SUMMER RED® 'Tessumred' PBR
- Alstroemeria TIMES VALLEY® 'Tessumtime' PBR
- Lonicera japonica 'Kogel-mogel'
- Lonicera periclimenum CHIC&CHOC® 'Inov205'PBR
- Prunus tomentosa 'Snövit'
- Wisteria frutescense 'Clara Mack'
Novelties 2019
- Clematis 'Lavender Beauty'
- Clematis 'Pink Beauty'
- Cornus mas 'Swietlajczok'
- Euonymus fortunei 'Canadale Gold'
- Fuchsia 'Riccartonii'
- Lonicera similis var. delavayi
- Morus 'Full Season'
- Prunus 'Carmine Jewel'
- Rosa 'Duchesse d’Angoulème'
- Rubus arcticus 'Beata'
- Rubus arcticus 'Marika'
- Rubus arcticus 'Mespi'
- Rubus arcticus 'Tarja'
- Wisteria frutescens 'Nivea'
Novelties 2018
- Actinidia arguta 'Chang Bai Giant'
- Actinidia arguta 'Domino'
- Actinidia arguta 'Lucy'
- Clematis 'Fairydust'
- Cornus mas 'Elegantnyj'
- Cornus mas 'Jantarnyj'
- Cornus mas 'Nikołka'
- Cornus mas 'Radost'
- Rubus ideaus TWOTIMER® 'Sugana'PBR
- Rubus ideaus TWOTIMER® 'Sugana Yellow'PBR
Novelties 2017
New varieties of clematis bred in our nursery by Szczepan Marczyński
- Clematis ‘Kaśka’, Tangutica group
- Clematis ‘My Darling’PBR
Other interesting varieties:
- Rosa ‘Albertine’
- Rosa ‘Alchymist’
- Rosa ‘American Pillar’
- Rosa ‘Apple Blossom’
- Rosa ‘Chevy Chase’
- Rosa ‘Compassion’
- Rosa ‘Elfrid’
- Rosa ‘Emelie’
- Rosa FLAMMENTANZ ‘Korflata’
- Rosa ‘Karpatia’
- Rosa ‘Morgengruss’
- Rosa ‘Raubritter’
- Rosa ‘Yellow Fairy’
Other climbing plants:
Shrubs with edible fruit:
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Honeywood’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Krasnojarskaya’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Mandam’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Martin’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Northline’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Obelisk’PBR
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Pembina’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Smoky’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Sleyt’
- Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Thiessen’
- Aronia mitschurinii
- Chaenomeles japonica ‘Cido’
- Chaenomeles japonica ‘Sargentii’
- Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Kinshiden’
- Chaenomeles ×superba ‘Crimson and Gold’
- Cornus mas ‘Jolico’
- Cornus mas ‘Schönbrunner Gourmet Dirndl’
- Elaeagnus multiflora
- Elaeagnus umbellata POINTILLA® AMOROSO®
- Elaeagnus umbellata POINTILLA® SWEET’N’SOUR®
- Prunus tomentosa
- Rubus ‘Buckingham Tayberry’
Fruiting grapevines:
- Vitis ‘Arkadia’
- Vitis ‘Isabella’
- Vitis ‘Iza Zaliwska’
- Vitis ‘Konkord Rosyjski’
- Vitis ‘Leon Millot’
- Vitis ‘Lilla’
- Vitis ‘Marechal Foch’
- Vitis ‘Muscat Blue’
- Vitis ‘Nadieżda Azos’
- Vitis ‘Ontario’
- Vitis ‘Primavera’
- Vitis ‘Reliance’
- Vitis ‘Rondo’
- Vitis ‘Solaris’
- Vitis ‘Swenson Red’