November 2009
added to cakes, jellies, salads and
other dishes enriching summer
and autumn meals, dried as
grapes (they will resemble raisins),
frozen and marinated. they are
also ideal for preparing wines,
liqueurs, jams or marmalades,
and they do not prevent jellies
from setting as do more familiar
kiwi fruit (A. deliciosa).
Growing kiwis
When planting, ensure male
plants are evenly distributed
among females. if you have
enough room, choose several
cultivars with different ripening
times, fruit size and flavour, such
as A. arguta cultivars ‘geneva 2’
(the earliest ripening time),
‘Jumbo’ (the biggest berries),
‘ken’s red’ (red fruit in the sun),
and a female plant of ‘Weiki’ (the
most universal), with a male
‘Weiki’ plant in the middle. if you
have room for just one plant, you
can also choose hermaphrodite
‘issai’, but its fruit ripens late and
so it may get damaged by
autumn frost before it has a
chance to ripen.
Pruning advice
on next page
Actinidia arguta ‘Rogów’
can produce prolific crops